Presenting Author: Gislane de Almeida Santos
, CD38 modulates CD8 TRM responses after respiratory viral infection at Univ. of Virginia Sch. of Med.
Aged hosts have increased susceptibility to develop persistent pathology and sustained inflammation after exposure to respiratory viral infection. Our group previously demonstrated that this condition is associated with an exuberant CD8 tissue resident memory (TRM) cell response. However, the underlying mechanisms that contribute to exuberant TRM accumulation and pathological activity in this context are still unknown. We found that CD8 TRM cells isolated from the lungs of influenza-infected young and aged mice express high levels of CD38. Interestingly, aging further increases the expression of this molecule on CD8 TRMs. CD38 is a molecule with NAD-depleting activity, which can affect a broad diversity of cellular processes. To address the physiological consequence of high expression of CD38 by CD8 TRMs in the lung during influenza infection, young CD38KO mice and Wild type (WT) mice were infected with influenza. We observed reduced numbers of antigen specific CD8 TRMs in the lung of infected CD38KO mice compared with infected WT mice. Mixed bone marrow chimera (1:1 ratio) experiments showed decreased frequency of antigen specific CD8 T cells in the lungs following CD38 deficiency, demonstrating an intrinsic role for CD38 in CD8 TRM responses. Similar results were observed in CD8 T cell-specific CD38-deficient mice (CD38fl/flCD8cre). Together these results show an important role for CD38 in modulating CD8 TRM responses in the lung during influenza infection.
CD38 modulates CD8 TRM responses after respiratory viral infection
Poster and Podium (Block Symposium)
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Date: May 4 Presentation Time: 03:15 PM to 04:30 PM Room: Exhibit Hall F1