The Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Knowledge Commons (AKC) is a publicly accessible repository of data and knowledge about 1) adaptive immune receptors (AIRs) and AIR repertoires, 2) the complex genomic loci encoding AIR genes, and 3) the antigens and epitopes bound by AIR. It empowers research questions that require the integration of data across these three domains to evaluate their interplay and relative contributions across a broad range of health and disease states. The AKC is being established by merging data from existing, community-backed repositories and applying existing and novel, cross-cutting knowledge-generation algorithms to the integrated data. The AKC currently includes 1) data from the AIRR Data Commons, which contains ~10,000 repertoires with billions of AIRs, integrated with 2) AIR germline allele, genotype, haplotype, and population genetic data from the OGRDB and VDJbase, and 3) AIR specificity data from the IEDB and IRAD. Knowledge-generation algorithms are being applied, for example to infer novel AIR germline gene alleles/genotypes/haplotypes from all repertoires and to relate AIR in the AKC to epitope/antigen specificity via AIR in IEDB/IRAD. The AKC assembles the critical mass of data required to develop highly accurate predictive algorithms for long-standing questions of critical importance (e.g., predicting AIR specificity) and to ask questions across a large and diverse set of subjects with a variety of health and disease phenotypes.
Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Knowledge Commons: large-scale knowledge for research and innovation (
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Date: May 5 Presentation Time: 03:15 PM to 04:30 PM Room: Exhibit Hall F1