Presenting Author: Nicholas G Battaglia
, Senior Scientist at AstraZeneca
The field of flow cytometry has entered a new era with the introduction of spectral flow cytometry and the development of novel fluorochromes, which have significantly deepened our phenotypic examination of immune cell populations. The next major breakthrough is the integration of high-speed, single-cell resolution capabilities of flow cytometry with imaging. This allows for the simultaneous delineation of novel immune cell subsets, while also providing insights into cell morphology and the subcellular localization of specific markers. In this context, the FACSDiscover S8 combines the capabilities of high-parameter spectral cytometry and spatial information to analyze up to 10,000 cells per second. Furthermore, this instrument uniquely enables the isolation of up to six populations of interest for subsequent in vitro and in vivo assays, as well as multi-omics analyses. We have successfully used this breakthrough technology to study complex biological systems, including cell signaling, protein translocation, cell-to-cell interactions within immunological synapses, and cell phagocytosis. We discuss the benefits and challenges associated with this technology and provide insights on how to optimize experiments to improve experimental outcomes. This technology has vast potential as a cell discovery tool, offering a fresh perspective on the immune system.
Image spectral flow cytometry and cell sorter to investigate novel cell phenotypes and interactions
Poster and Podium (Block Symposium)
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Date: May 5 Presentation Time: 03:15 PM to 04:30 PM Room: Exhibit Hall F1