Presenting Author: Jen Serafin
, Scientist II at Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluorescence labelling is a highly versatile approach to immunohistochemistry (IHC), offering the ability to detect numerous targets simultaneously with excellent sensitivity and specificity. Currently, the fluorescent labelling method utilized for IHC is the use of secondary antibodies. This multi-step process is restricted by targets that share the same species isotype, limiting the number of targets possible in one sample. Another method used for multiplex staining is cyclic labeling, the process of staining and stripping a tissue sample with different antibodies to detect multiple targets. This process is time-consuming and increases the risk of tissue damage or loss of antigenicity. Our new reagents will enable researchers to stain in fewer steps with preserved antigenicity, ensuring accurate and reliable detection of target antigens in tissue samples. One of the key benefits of these products is the ability to achieve higher-plex labeling, allowing researchers to multiplex with 8-10 biological targets on a single sample in one staining cocktail. This reduces the need for cyclic labeling, streamlines the workflow, and reduces overall time required for analysis. We provide a process that enables successful detection of multiple protein markers across diverse tissue organs while simultaneously detecting transcriptomic targets, providing comprehensive insights into complex biological processes and disease mechanisms. Intended for research use only.
introduction of expanded tools for spatial biology applications
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Date: May 5 Presentation Time: 03:15 PM to 04:30 PM Room: Exhibit Hall F1