Presenting Author: Eriko Padron-Regalado
, Research Fellow (postdoctoral) at CDC
Although there are safe, effective vaccines for mumps, serosurveillance is needed to assess the impact of disruptions in vaccine delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine hesitancy, and other challenges with healthcare access and operations. Serologic testing for mumps IgG is usually performed by the microneutralization assay or enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Although sensitive and specific, these methods are labor intensive, time consuming, and do not offer the advantage of analyzing multiple analytes simultaneously. This study evaluated the performance of a mumps multiplex bead-based assay (MBA) compared with EIA for detecting IgG to mumps virus in human serum samples (n=100) obtained from both vaccinated and unvaccinated children and young adults in the United States from 2017-2023. The assays exhibited a Pearson correlation (r) of 0.856. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis resulted in a cutoff of 46 arbitrary units (AU)/mL. Compared to EIA, the MBA had an accuracy of 97%, a diagnostic sensitivity of 96%, and a diagnostic specificity of 98%. The reproducibility (%CV) of the mumps MBA was ≤25 % (n=37). The performance of the MBA was not affected by the simultaneous detection of IgG for measles, rubella, and varicella (correlation of 0.989 for mumps IgG). Therefore, the mumps MBA represents a high-throughput alternative to standard methods that could be used for seroprevalence studies and vaccine development studies.
Performance characteristics of a multiplex bead-based assay for the detection of mumps IgG antibodies
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Date: May 4 Presentation Time: 03:15 PM to 04:30 PM Room: Exhibit Hall F1