The transcription factor Runx3 promotes diversity in effector cell precursors that pattern the memory CD8 T cell compartment
Presentation Time: 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Poster Board Number: B723
Abstract ID: 4864
Presenting Author:
Dominic S Albao , PhD Candidate at Scripps Res. Skaggs Grad. Sch. of Chem. and Bio. Sci., Wertheim Univ. of Florida Scripps Inst.
Central memory (TCM) CD8 T cells maintain the regenerative capacity of long-term adaptive immunity to intracellular pathogens, but recent studies indicate that TCM cells are heterogeneous. Previous analyses of the transcription factor Runx3 has shown it has pleiotropic effects on memory CD8 T cell development, including potential diversity among TCM cells: Runx3-deficient cells preferentially form Tcf7hi CD62Lhi TCM-like cells but accumulate inefficiently, whereas enforced Runx3 expression promotes increased numbers of CD62Lhi TCM – like cells and more efficiently form memory precursors upon secondary infection. Using single cell RNA sequencing during acute LCMV infection we identified two distinct effector cell states enriched with TCM gene expression that differentially correlated with Runx3-dependent transcription (Runx3 signature). One state exhibited a stem-like signature and a low Runx3 signature score, whereas the other was less stem-like and exhibited a higher Runx3 signature. Retroviral expression indicated that wildtype Runx3 promoted formation of CX3CR1int peripheral memory-like and TCM-like cells, and repressed effector memory (TEM) cell formation, whereas expression of Runx3 lacking the C-terminal VWRPY motif caused divergence into a TEM-like state. These results suggest that the dynamic activity of Runx3 and the potential interactors with its specific domains mediate complex regulation that patterns antiviral memory CD8 T cell development.
The transcription factor Runx3 promotes diversity in effector cell precursors that pattern the memory CD8 T cell compartment
Poster and Podium (Block Symposium)